
Crushing The Competition: How Reputation Management Drives Success

Advice 4 Mins Read December 8, 2023 Posted by Ankita Tripathy

The first Google search engine results page is the initial impression you make on your prospective clients or customers. But when your prospects search your name to learn what they can before doing business with you, they may not find sufficient information about you to make a decision, or worse, they might be unhappy with what they find. That can send prospects away from your site.

Let?s look at how managing the information your prospects find online can help you drive more traffic to your site than to your competitors.

Search engine optimization can have a major impact on your online reputation management success and your business?s financial future. Here?s some information provided by Status Labs on how businesses must use SEO for effective ORM to drive site traffic. 

What Do SEO and ORM Involve?

SEO helps determine where your business appears on Google SERPs. That ranking strongly influences what your prospective customers will think about your online presence and which impressions constitute your ORM.

SEO involves optimizing a website by using keywords, header formats, content length, and quality, the number and quality of organic backlinks, URL characteristics, and even your site?s security and age. These and other SEO elements are perfected to increase the strength of attraction from the Google algorithm. ORM involves targeting multiple sites and virtual properties for narrower keywords that support branding objectives.

Both forms of optimization are meant to affect how you fare in search engine results when web users search by your name. SEO is a tool for laying the foundation on which to build and manage a strong online reputation. 

Optimize Your Online Reputation 

Negative information is estimated to have three times the impact on people?s impressions compared to positive information. Just one negative result on the first Google SERP can adversely impact your success. Multiple negative items can reportedly lead to site traffic losses as high as 70%. Developing a strong internet presence is the core of a successful ORM that can overcome negative influences and win against online competition.

Naturally, you have no control over what people may choose to say about your company or you personally. However, you can significantly impact your results in Google search rankings ? and that?s where it counts for your business?s success. 

By managing your reputation online, you can minimize the effects of adverse results on your reputation and your business, present your brand accurately, and appeal to your prospects. 

SEO Strategies That Support ORM Objectives

First, examine what others see when they search your company?s name or your name online. Then look at your key web performance metrics, such as site ranking, and other assets on the first SERP (Ads, Google My Business local pack placement, featured videos). Here are some actions you can take to strengthen your online presence, reputation, and competitive effectiveness:

  • Optimize your site: Use meta descriptions, keywords, header tags, call-to-action buttons, etc.
  • Perform keyword research: Adopt keywords that can help lead users to your site.
  • Offer great content: Reduce bounce rates with abundant, easily found information. 
  • Mobile friendliness: Make sure your site is performing well for users on all devices.
  • Secure more assets: Secure domain names, social profiles, local pack placement, etc. 
  • Secure more domains: Obtain relevant domain names for use in your ORM methods.
  • Create social profiles: Open Facebook, Instagram, and other social platform accounts.
  • Optimize all your online assets: Create an overall presence that best serves users.
  • Use local SEO: Reportedly, about 46% of Google searches are for local resources.
  • Maximize page speed: Ensure performance in Google?s new Page Experience metrics. 
  • Keep pace with Google updates: Manage Google-related changes in your results. 
  • Engage on social media: Respond to your workers, customers, and industry influencers. 
  • Enhance your profiles: Maximize your online profiles with photos, multimedia, etc. 
  • Prioritize quality content: Your content ideally establishes the authority of your brand. 
  • Encourage customer reviews: Over 85% of online consumers say they trust reviews.
  • Share your new posts and press on social: Boost your site on your social platforms.
  • Keep socially active: Prioritize quality and stay active for the best social media results.

Boost Positive Search Results

Take corrective actions to increase the prevalence of positive information about you on the SERPs. That can help effectively crowd out the potential appearance and dilute the impact of competing negative search results.

Further, optimize your website and social profiles, and seek to have other site owners include positive mentions of you and your company and backlinks to your site at their online properties. Finally, recognize when it?s time to seek professional help with SEO and ORM to counter adverse impacts and establish a strong positive online reputation. 

Highly effective SEO firms like Status Labs can help you develop your online reputation management strategy and control your brand?s narrative to boost success in your market.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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