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Dog Safety Tips: 3 Ways To Keep Your Pooch Safe
Owning a dog can add years to your life, helping you live a healthy and happy life.
Interactions with dogs cause the brain to release a “cuddle chemical,” which scientifically is called “oxytocin.” While reducing anxiety and stress, oxytocin promotes relaxation.
Because dogs bring an abundance of joy and love, every pet parent must keep them happy and safe so that they can lead healthy and fulfilled life.
As a first-time dog parent, you may know much about ensuring the safety of your dog. And in an effort to keep your dog safe, you must have scoured the internet for safety tips.
One simple search in Google displays tons of results, which are bound to leave you confused. With that in mind, we thought to put together a dog safety checklist as a reminder of things that should be done to keep your pooch safe from all the possible dangers.
Dive in to learn more about dog safety tips!
3 Ways To Keep Your Pooch Safe
Romping around the park, going on adventurous backpacking or camping trips, or taking a long walk, all these activities sure strengthen your bond with your dog while keeping it healthy. However, keeping your pooch safe from dangers is solely the responsibility of a dog parent.
On that note, here are three ways you can ensure the safety of your dog:
1. Dog-Proof Your Home
Dogs, especially puppies, are curious creatures, just like small babies. They investigate their small little world, i.e., your home, through their mouth and nose, which oftentimes can turn fatal for them.
To ensure your canine companion is safe at home, it’s important for every dog parent to pet-proof their homes. Dog-proofing or pet-proofing means making your home resistant to the damage canines can cause and injure themselves.
Thinking outside the box is the key to dog-proofing your home successfully. Here’s how you must pet-proof your home:
- Install anti-scratching pads on furniture like sofas to discourage scratching
- Place water-repellant or pee pads on the carpet to prevent accidents
- Install a motion detector or a pool fence to prevent them from falling into the water
- Store paints, chemicals, and other toxic supplies on a high shelf
2. Watch For Warning Signs
Dogs can’t communicate like humans and share the troubles they are going through, which is why every dog parent must keep tabs on their behavior regularly. A few signs that warn pet parents of their dog’s ill health are as follows:
- Weight loss
- Coughing
- Bald patches
- Vomiting
- Change in eating habits
- Frequently biting or licking a particular body part
If your dog is suffering from health issues, it may exhibit strange behaviors like being aggressive or sleepy. In such cases, contact a veterinarian as soon as possible for a timely diagnosis.
Bear in mind that your dog may bite when it isn’t in good health. Hence, if your friendly and playful pooch has started biting, it could be an indication that it’s suffering from an illness or injury.
That is why every dog parent must opt for dog bite insurance that will reimburse payments if their pooch attacks any individual. Several pet parents have found the canine liability insurance of the Dog Bite Insurance Company affordable. Their canine liability insurance policy offers limits of up to $300,000 coverage for all breeds. With this insurance policy, there are no deductibles, which means pet parents save money in case of a compensation claim.
Serving in all states except Kentucky and Alaska, dog parents can request quotes from the comfort of their homes by filling out an online application. As far as service is concerned, previous customers have rated 4.8 stars.
3. Vaccinate Your Dog
Much like babies, vaccinations are integral to keeping your pup safe and healthy and protecting it from deadly diseases. By vaccinating your dog, you’ll be able to keep it safe from diseases like rabies, distemper, and parvo, which are fatal.
Depending on the breed, health issues, and the state/city you reside in, the shots vary from dog to dog. Around six weeks, most pups should get their first shot, after which they must receive their next shots every three weeks until 16 weeks.
And in the case of adult dogs, they must receive their shots every one to three years.
Keeping Your Dog Safe Can Increase Their Lifespan
Without a doubt, all dog parents want to spoil their pooch and keep them safe from all the risks and dangers in the world. However, that doesn’t mean you keep your pup locked at home or get paranoid for their safety.
It’s important to educate yourself about the major threats to the safety of your dog so that you can take proper measures to avoid them. Also, keeping in touch with a veterinarian is vital so that you can consult them as and when needed.
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