Condo Building

Building Community Culture in Your Condo Building

Small Business 3 Mins Read April 10, 2018 Posted by craig

Last Updated on: July 8th, 2021

Living in a condominium is so much different than living in any other dwelling. After all, this is more than your living unit; this is your community. You?re not just investing in property, but in the people around you as well.

While looking to build a culture of the community in your building may not be the easiest thing to do, it?s certainly worthwhile, as it will have a direct impact on those living in your condo. Why not strive to implement a long-term cultural development strategy that benefits residents today, but also one that increases your condo?s intangible value over time?

Building Community Culture in Your Condo Building

The first place to start is to assess what the current culture is like and how it differs from the type of culture you?re looking to build. Once you?ve identified where you?re building sits culture-wise, you can begin to provide recommendations to your board on what type of community changes you would like (and be prepared to get involved!). A couple of ways that you can support building a culture of the community in your building include:

1. Getting Involved :

If you?re keen on getting to know your neighbors, but no one is organizing any
events, why not reach out to your condo board and offer to start/join the
social committee for the building. Here, you can organize an event in a common
area, such as quarterly BBQs, building movie nights, building anniversary
parties, etc.

By proactively taking action, you are on the frontline to building the culture
you want your condo building to have. Not only that, but you may inspire others
in your building to become more engaged and active in enhancing the community of
your building.

If you?re not sure what types of initiatives you and your board can start implementing to encourage a community culture, reach out to your condo management company. While events and community building is the responsibility of your board, your condo management company may be able to provide insights into what other properties are doing to encourage the community in those properties.

2. Encourage Open Communication :

Communication is key to building a community. Speak with your board about the types of communication that are currently offered for condo building residents and, if they aren?t what you?re hoping for, come armed with suggestions for greater transparency or frequency.

Many condo companies now offer private online portals for individual condo communities. Here, residents are able to contribute to specific conversations in community forums. Ask questions of your fellow residents about what type of condo culture they would like to build.

Outside of your condo building, connect with other condo board members to see what types of activities they are doing to increase resident engagement and community involvement. With a number of groups, such as Alberta Condo Owners for Change, set on increasing communication and transparency in the condo management industry, you have a plethora of options outside of your building to incite change within your building. The key is to take action on the change you want to see.


Just as with any community association in a neighborhood, it takes commitment, a plan, and engagement to build a specific culture for your building?s community. Not sure where to start in building a community in your condo? Call Catalyst Condo Management and we can see what might work for you.

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