Animated Explainer Video

9 Animated Explainer Video Styles For Your Marketing Needs

Marketing Tips 6 Mins Read September 20, 2023 Posted by Debamalya Mukherjee

Are you looking to boost your marketing game with some engaging visuals?

This article is just for you! We’re exploring ten animated explainer video styles that can effectively convey your message to your audience.

From the classic 2D animation to the typography animation, we’ve got it all covered. So, prepare to upgrade your marketing strategy with an exciting, visual storytelling journey.

Let’s dive in!

The Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos

Before delving into different styles, let’s establish the benefits of animated explainer videos.

Benefits of Animated Explainer Videos

Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Clarity: Animated explainer videos excel at simplifying intricate concepts or ideas. They break down complex information into easily digestible segments through engaging visuals and concise narration, ensuring your audience can grasp the core message without confusion.
  • Engagement: Visual storytelling is inherently captivating. Animated explainer videos leverage compelling visuals, animation, and often a touch of humor or creativity to grab and maintain viewers’ attention. This engagement factor is crucial for keeping your audience interested and receptive to your message.
  • Retention: Studies show that people remember visual content better than text alone. Animated explainer videos combine visuals, text, and audio, creating a multisensory experience that enhances information retention. Viewers are likely to recall and share the content they’ve seen in these videos.
  • Versatility: Animated explainer videos can seamlessly integrate various communication channels and platforms. Whether it’s your website, social media, email marketing, or presentations, their adaptability ensures you can reach your target audience wherever they are online.
  • CostEffective: Compared to producing live-action videos with actors, locations, and equipment, animated explainer videos are generally more budget-friendly. This cost efficiency makes them attractive for conveying complex ideas or messages.

To learn more about animated video production and how it can help you reach your business goals, check out this link: Now, let’s explore the different styles of animated videos that can elevate your message to a higher level!

1. 2D Animation

You’ll find that 2D animation is a classic style, widely used due to its simplicity and versatility in conveying complex information. It’s a style that uses two dimensions – height and width. It’s perfect for creating characters, storyboards, and backgrounds in a two-dimensional environment. It’s easy to comprehend, doesn’t overwhelm the viewer with too much detail, and can communicate your message.

This style allows for much creativity, as everything from cartoon characters to abstract shapes can be used to tell a story or explain a concept. It’s a particularly effective tool for explainer videos, aiming to simplify complex information into easily digestible chunks.

2. Whiteboard Animation

This animation style often feels like a story being drawn before your eyes, keeping viewers hooked. Its simplicity allows your audience to focus on your message without being distracted by flashy graphics or overwhelming information.

Whiteboard animation is excellent for explaining processes, showcasing facts, or teaching. It’s known for its cost-effectiveness, as it doesn’t require elaborate sets or characters. Plus, it’s versatile and suitable for various industries and audiences.

3. Infographic Animation

When it’s time to present data in a captivating way, infographic animation is often the go-to choice. Here are three reasons why you should consider infographic animation for your marketing needs:

  • Simplicity: Infographics simplify complex data into digestible visuals. This makes it easier for your audience to grasp the information you share.
  • Engagement: The combination of visuals and movement captures attention. This can lead to higher engagement levels and increased information retention.
  • Versatility: Whether illustrating growth percentages or demonstrating a process, infographic animations can adapt to various data types.

4. Typography Animation

Typography animation is another versatile tool that’s often overlooked. But it’s a fantastic way to make text more engaging and dynamic. It’s a style that focuses on the movement and transformation of words, making it perfect for delivering clear-cut messages in your marketing videos.

Imagine your brand’s slogan or main message coming to life, moving and changing on the screen. It’s a powerful way to emphasize key points and capture your audience’s attention. You can effectively communicate your value proposition and brand story with typography animation. So, don’t just settle for static text. Look into typography animation. It’s a creative, visually captivating tool that can do wonders for your marketing.

5. Stop Motion

The stop motion technique is another creative tool you’ve got to try for your promotional content. This style involves manipulating physical objects, frame by frame, to create the illusion of movement. It’s unique and captivating, making your videos stand out in the digital crowd.

Although it can be time-consuming, the payoff is immense. The tactile and handmade feel of stop-motion brings a sense of authenticity that resonates with viewers. It’s perfect for demonstrating products or creating a visually appealing and memorable story.

6. Screencast Animation

Moving on from the creative world of stop motion, let’s dive into a more tech-savvy approach to animated explainer videos – the screencast animation. This style is a digital computer screen recording, often accompanied by voice-over narration. It’s perfect for when you want to demonstrate a software or app’s functionality.

Screencast animations have several advantages. Firstly, they are straightforward. They show your audience exactly how to use your product, eliminating confusion. Secondly, they are cost-effective. Compared to some other styles, screencast animations can be more budget-friendly.

You’re recording your screen, so there’s less need for intricate designs. Lastly, screencasts can increase trust. Viewers see your product in action, which can make them more confident about its capabilities.

7. Cutout Animation

This animation style uses flat characters, props, and backgrounds cut from paper, card, or fabric materials. It’s visually distinct, offering a tactile and handcrafted feel that can set your brand apart.

Cutout animation is perfect for storytelling, as it lends itself to a narrative format.

You can use it to explain ideas in a visually engaging way. It’s also great for creating a nostalgic or vintage feel, as it’s reminiscent of traditional children’s storybooks. However, remember it might only suit some brands or messages. It’s essential to align the style with your brand identity and the story you want to tell.

8. 3D Animation

If you’re up for a challenge, you can’t go wrong with trying out 3D animation. This style brings realism to your explainer videos that can’t be replicated by 2D animation. However, it’s important to note that 3D animation requires more resources, time, and technical know-how.

This is why it’s considered a more advanced style of animation. But if you can pull it off, it’s worth the effort. Here are three reasons why:

  • Depth and detail: 3D animation allows for a level of detail to make your video look incredibly lifelike.
  • Versatility: You can create virtually anything imaginable in a 3D space.
  • Engagement: The realistic nature of 3D animation can help to engage your audience on a deeper level.

9. Motion Graphics

Motion graphics is a dynamic communication style combining graphic design and animation to convey information or tell a story. It uses text, shapes, images, and other graphical elements that move, transform, and interact on screen.

The fluid motion, concise visuals, and ability to visualize abstract ideas make it an ideal choice. Its versatility allows for creative storytelling, while its ability to maintain viewer attention makes it a powerful tool for explaining intricate subjects.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it! We’ve explored various animation styles for your marketing needs. Each offers unique benefits, from 2D and whiteboard animations to motion graphics and kinetic typography.

Whether telling a complex story or grabbing attention, there’s a style for you. Remember, choosing the one that best fits your brand’s voice and message is critical.

Now, it’s time to get creative and bring your ideas to life.

Good luck!

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Debamalya is a professional content writer from Kolkata, India. Constantly improving himself in this industry for more than three years, he has amassed immense knowledge regarding his niches of writing tech and gaming articles. He loves spending time with his cats, along with playing every new PC action game as soon as possible.

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