Live Webinar

Is A Live Webinar Right For You?

Strategy 4 Mins Read January 15, 2024 Posted by Ankita Tripathy

Last Updated on: March 1st, 2024

So you?re a marketer who wants to reach a wide audience and generate leads along the way? You want to delve deeper into the art of video promotions, but you?re stuck. The solution: live webinars.

So, what is a live webinar? It?s an online event that?s broadcasted right as it happens. There?s a real-time interaction between the hosts and the participants, which opens doors for immediate engagement and feedback.

If you need more reasons to do a live webinar, here?s everything you should know.

The Perks And Sweats Of Live Webinars

The Perks And Sweats Of Live Webinars

Unlike a pre-recorded webinar or an automated webinar, live webinars unfold at the moment. It comes with its upsides and a few downsides, especially with its real-time nature.


  • Builds excitement: The feeling of being in a live event is something that audience members can look forward to. It builds the hype on how the webinar will go.
  • Provides genuine interactions: Seeing the unfiltered reactions of the audience in your webinar content and delivery is a priceless milestone. That?s robust audience engagement right there. You can only get these pure interactions in a live session.
  • Fosters immediate feedback: Audience members can share their thoughts easily via the chatbox or in the Q&A portion of the webinar before the event ends. That?s one edge live webinars have.
  • Projects credibility: As you present your webinar content, you?re seen as an authority in your niche. This helps you build a personal connection with your audience even after the webinar.


  • Technical glitches: Since it?s a live event, anything can happen. Glitches like sudden internet disconnection and software bugs can disrupt the webinar. Although it?s inevitable, these glitches give a bad experience to the attendees.
  • Fixed timing: Live webinars only happen once most of the time. When your attendees miss the event, they won?t see it again unless it?s rescheduled.
  • One-time event only: Unlike on-demand webinars and pre-recorded sessions, live webinars are meant to be experienced once.

When To Use Live Webinars

When To Use Live Webinars

A live webinar is your best option when you want immediate feedback and genuine interaction from the audience members. It serves its purpose for the following webinar formats:

1. Product Launches

One of the best methods to unveil your product to your audience is through a product launch. And what better way to do it than a live webinar? Promoting a live product launch online will draw more audiences. These people will become aware of your product and decide whether to purchase it or not.

2. Training, Workshops, And One-Time Online Courses

Conducting online courses, workshops, and training and scheduling them once builds a sense of urgency for audiences to join the webinar. You should prepare a simple yet comprehensive webinar presentation to hook your audience. Once they find your presentation interesting, they?ll stay until the end.

3. Panel Discussions And Interviews

Live webinars are suited for interviews and panel discussions about certain topics. It creates a particular hype when the guests in the webinar are esteemed professionals and industry experts. Audiences will surely learn something from this kind of event.

4. Q&A Sessions

This webinar format is best held live. The webinar hosts and the live audience ask and answer questions from each other. It connects the hosts and the audience and creates a sense of community throughout the session.

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How To Prepare For A Live Webinar

How To Prepare For A Live Webinar

A live webinar needs thorough preparation. Here?s how you can prepare for it:

  • Get an idea of the things your target audience is interested in. This helps you craft content that aligns with their needs and addresses their pain points.
  • Keep your webinar presentation short and simple. Present your main ideas well and back them up with credible sources.
  • Create a stunning and seamless landing page to make people sign up for the webinar. Your page should be easy to navigate to draw more audiences.
  • Choose the best webinar platform that can accommodate your needs. The platform should have a recording feature that records the webinar for on-demand viewing.
  • Post links to your webinar on your social media accounts. Test the webinar platform to make sure no glitches can happen on the broadcast day. Make sure your internet connection is fast and secure to prevent sudden disconnections.
  • Get feedback from your team to improve the webinar?s flow before the live event. Apply the suggestions right away and do another rehearsal.

These tips are also applicable for creating pre-recorded webinars and automated webinars. Whether it?s live or pre-recorded, webinars help in sharing valuable information and building your brand to the masses.


Live webinars are your best bet for getting immediate feedback and reactions from the audience. It also allows you to build connections with your audience. When the format you want for the webinar calls for a live broadcast, be ready to put in much work and drive great results.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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