6 Signs A Loved One Is Dependent On Alcohol – How To Handle Addiction

Advice 4 Mins Read November 17, 2023 Posted by Mony Shah

Last Updated on: December 1st, 2023

Alcohol addiction is a devastating disease that can tear families apart. If you suspect a loved one may be dependent on alcohol, it’s important to recognize the signs and take action in a caring way. While it might be saddening to discover a kith or kin who has been addicted to alcohol, it is certainly not impossible. 

Today, we will be discovering who is called an alcoholic and how to determine such an individual. This comprehensive guide has a lot in store for you. So, make sure you stay connected and read it till the end. Let?s get started, then? 

6 Telltale Signs Of An Alcohol Addiction

Telltale Signs Of An Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is no less than a medical condition- both require serious attention. It demands both clinical and psychological treatments for effective treatment. Here are six signs of alcohol dependence in a loved one and tips for handling it with compassion. 

1. Drinking Alone Frequently 

If your loved one is often drinking by themselves behind closed doors, it may indicate a problem. Healthy social drinking usually involves others. Furthermore, if you find a loved one of yours who has been drinking alone for the most part of the time, they can be dealing with alcoholism. 

2. Hiding Or Lying About Drinking

If your loved one is secretive about how much they drink or denies having an issue, it’s a red flag. Lying about drinking frequency is common for alcoholics. There are, obviously, ways to find out whether they have been drinking regularly or not. Look for the trail and discover the truth. 

3. Alcohol Addiction Causes Neglecting Of Responsibilities

Alcohol Addiction Causes Neglecting of responsibilities

When alcohol becomes a priority, other aspects of life often suffer. Look for a pattern of missed work, forgetting plans or duties, and irresponsibility. Continuous denial of taking responsibility might be an alarming sign that you have been missing out so far. 

4. Withdrawal symptoms

If your loved one experiences tremors, sweating, nausea, or anxiety when not drinking, it indicates physical dependence. Withdrawal symptoms are a sign of addiction. Therefore, see a doctor immediately without waiting for the condition to worsen. 

5. Drinking at inappropriate times

Free photo young man helping his drunk friend

If your loved one drinks early in the day or in risky scenarios like before driving, it shows poor judgment related to alcohol. It is true that alcohol addiction overtakes the mind and actions of a person. Consequently, there are serious impacts of this. 

6. Failed attempts to cut back

Many dependent drinkers attempt to stop or drink less but find they are unable to. Failed resolutions to moderate indicate diminished control over alcohol. Although you might help them in this endeavor, no such change will take place if they don?t do it themselves. 

Staging An Intervention

If you notice a combination of these signs, it may be time to put an end to alcohol addiction. Avoid shaming, blaming, or anger. Instead.

  • Express concern and care. Share specific examples of behaviors that worry you.
  • Listen without judgment. Allow them to open up without fear of consequences. 
  • Provide support. Offer to attend counseling, drive to treatment meetings, or help with other recovery efforts. Make sure your counselor has an LPCC Degree Online from Rhombus University or other reputable universities.
  • Set boundaries. Make clear you won’t enable harmful behaviors. Limit time together if drinking occurs.
  • Consider an intervention. For serious cases, work with a professional to directly address the problem and pathway to treatment. 
  • Practice self-care. Find support so you don’t become burned out. Detach from the addiction while still providing love. 
  • Be patient. Recovery is a long process with ups and downs. Focus on positives and celebrate small wins.

With compassion and proper help, many alcoholics can achieve sobriety. An honest, caring approach gives your loved one the best chance at a healthy, happy life free from dependence. Avoid blame and argue less. Instead, come from a place of empathy and encouragement. This fosters an environment where positive change can occur.

Seek Support For Alcohol Addiction

Don’t hesitate to seek support for yourself as well. Many groups like Al-Anon provide resources for family members affected by a loved one’s alcoholism. You deserve self-care. Set healthy boundaries, but avoid detachment, neglect, or enabling. Strive for a balance of care, concern, and firm limits.

Consider Rehab

Consider Rehab

If formal treatment such as rehab becomes necessary, research the options thoroughly. Look for evidence-based programs with trained professionals, not quick fixes. Committing to rehab can save a life. Make it clear you’ll provide transportation and moral support. Consider a sober living after alcohol rehab? program, too, so all the hard work is not undone. 

Concluding Words

Relapses may occur on the road to sobriety. Stick to your boundaries, but don’t give up hope. Healing is a journey with twists and turns. Each sober day is a victory. Offer sincere praise for incremental wins while making your expectations clear. Consistency, compassion, and unconditional love create an environment for growth.

With this, it’s an end to this comprehensive article. Save it for later and look for the signs of alcohol addiction. With the right step at the right time, you can save the lives of your loved ones. So, act fast! 

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