Product Packaging

How To Measure The Success Of Your Product Packaging

Small Business 5 Mins Read July 18, 2024 Posted by Soumava Goswami

While selling any type of product, you need to ensure that it can catch the eye of your target audience. It must also appeal to potential customers right off the bat. This makes product packaging one of the most essential parts of your business. 

If your products look good on the shelves, they have a higher chance of flying off them. However, they should only appear dismal and unnoticeable next to your competitors if you have a significant problem. 

You can only determine these results if you are actively tracking the market. Hence, check the performance of your product packaging from time to time. 

To make sure that your packaging is holding up to expectations, here’s how you can measure its success in real-time. 

There are already 33.3 registered small businesses in the US. And that’s why you need effective USPs to appeal to the audience. Let product packaging be that differentiator. 

Often, product companies can’t differentiate products from competitors. But they may create unique and catchy packaging to stand apart from others. 

Set Up Performance Indicators

set up key performance indicators

Whether creating sustainable packaging for brand improvement or reusable packaging to create more value for money, you should set up key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs can include your audience’s engagement, your product sales, and your brand’s public image. 

This makes sure that a narrow perspective does not obscure your assessment. It should also let you measure your packaging success comprehensively. As a result, you can make any required changes with confidence. 

Similarly, 44% of US customers favor brands committed to the environment. 

As a small business, you may take advantage of that. To do so, you may shift to eco-friendly product packaging. 

For example, you may use jute sachets or plastics over 50 microns. At the same time, you may use greased paper wraps for your products, too. 

Small businesses may find such packaging costlier. However, the investment may help them capture the market quicker. 

You can benefit from the high sales volume once you have a considerable target market share. 

Perform In-House Tests

Perform In-House Tests

If you want your product packaging to be successful, you need to make it ready to take on the challenges of real-world handling. For example, if your products are perishable, you should perform accelerated aging tests to determine how long they will last on the shelves. 

These types of in-house testing bring more knowledge and transparency, which you can use to improve your packaging and overall value proposition. 

Turn To Market Research

Turn To Market Research

Diving into market research is another way to see how the packaging is doing regarding sales and audience reception. 

By turning to solutions like market research software or agencies, you can learn how your packaging fares against your competitors, what your audience thinks about it, and how you can improve on factors the market expects from your industry. 

This can be a great way to analyze your packaging’s performance.

Steps To Market Research

Steps To Market Research

Start with cheaper solutions like greased or regular packing-grade paper. If it suits the market, go with it. Otherwise, try other options like reusable plastic packages, aluminum, etc. 

However, the packaging materials are only some of the things that matter. What matters more is your product packaging design. 

Customers don’t like packages with bursts of details. So, keep your info game to a minimum. Have the essential information printed only. 

To make your packing unique, you may try these options: 

  • Creative shapes (for example, triangular packages)
  • Vibrant colors (for example, use two or more contrasting colors in your packing)
  • Innovative materials (for example, use parchment paper boxes or SBS sachets)

Do A/B Testing

AB Testing

The process of A/B testing is simple: You offer two variants of your product packaging to the audience and see how these variants hold up to market demands. This can help you determine which type of product packaging creates a winning strategy for you. 

If you are looking for ways to make industrial packing easier but aren’t sure how it may impact your packaging’s market performance, A/B testing can be a great way to find some answers. 

Monitor Social Media

Monitor Social Media

Whether you use a social media management tool or let your team handle your channels manually, you can monitor social media to see what people feel about your product packaging. 

This can be an excellent option to gather reactions to your packaging’s design, materials, and overall customer usability. The best part about this strategy is that it’s all tracked in real-time, which helps you act fast according to the latest insights. 

Small businesses may need clarification about what social media strategy to follow. That’s natural. Social media is such a vast domain. However, you need quick and real-time feedback. So, rely on methods like sharing reels to make your new product packaging look popular. Ask for customers’ feedback on the same. 

Hence, the popular notions in comments against such posts should be analyzed. You may use survey polls on Facebook, Instagram, and other such apps. That will also give you a clear and concise public perception. 

No doubt, pilot tests with a demo market launch are a good strategy. However, it can reflect the notions of a minimum audience only. Instead, social media can amass large-scale public options. 

Initiate Targeted Surveys

Initiate Targeted Surveys

If you want to collect detailed comments on your product packaging from your potential or existing customers, you can also launch survey programs. You can use survey software or a team to reach your target market and collect feedback on your packaging. 

This process can look tedious at first. But when you have the right solutions, you can smoothly sail through it without any issues or delays. 

Encourage Customer Feedback

Encourage Customer Feedback

Besides turning to social media comments and targeted surveys, you can also encourage direct customer feedback. You can achieve this feat in multiple ways, including but not limited to giving out your feedback email and social media handles on your packaging, as well as having live chat available on your website. 

This allows you to understand which product packaging should be part of your marketing and which options should you retire permanently.

By going through these suggestions, you can analyze your product packaging’s performance without stretching yourself t by going through these suggestions. This can be a surefire way to strengthen your business and take it to new heights of success. 

Bottom Line

In a nutshell, your product packaging can differentiate your small business from competitors. The market is filled with eccentric competition. So, you need an apparent quality, like good packaging, to make your product/brand popular. 

But that’s easier said than done. Other brands may try the same trick. So, measured footsteps are critical.

Before a mass launch of your new packing design, do a market survey or a pilot test. Then you are good to go. 

If you need more pro tips on successful product packaging, comment below. 

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Inspired by The Social Network, Soumava loves to find ways to make small businesses successful – he spends most of his time analyzing case studies of successful small businesses. With 5+ years of experience in flourishing with a small MarTech company, he knows countless tricks that work in favor of small businesses. His keen interest in finance is what fuels his passion for giving the best advice for small business operations. He loves to invest his time familiarizing himself with the latest business trends and brainstorming ways to apply them. From handling customer feedback to making the right business decisions, you’ll find all the answers with him!

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